SPI sessions

SPI-01: Implementation and leadership

Science Policy Interface - Implementation and leadership SPI-01
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming
  1. Introduction by the chair
    Lawrence MADOFF, University of Massachusetts, United States
  2. An Integrated Inventory of One Health Tools: Mapping and Analysis of Globally Available Tools to Advance One Health Implementation
    Casey BARTON BEHRAVESH, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States
  3. Towards Operationalizing the One Health Approach through Policy in Eastern and Southern Africa: Understanding the Current Situation to Address Future Concerns
    Shauna RICHARDS, International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya
  4. Financing, operationalizing, and implementing regional One Health coordination in Southeast Asia
    Steven LAM, International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya

SPI-02: Feed and food security and safety

Science Policy Interface - Towards 2030: One Health strategies to achieving Neglected Tropical Disease goals in sub-Saharan Africa SPI-09
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming

Session info


  • Agazi Gebreselassie, University of Global Health Equity, Rwanda
  • Anselme Shyaka, University of Global Health Equity, Rwanda
  • Sarah Padidar, University of Eswatini, Eswatini

Host organizations

  • Center for One Health at the University of Global Health Equity
  • Kikundi African Community of Practice for NTD Program Managers
  • African Snakebite Alliance
  1. Towards 2030: One Health strategies to achieving Neglected Tropical Disease goals in sub-Saharan Africa
    Janna SCHURER, University of Global Health Equity, Rwanda

SPI-03: Balance between One Health sectors and disciplines

Science Policy Interface - Balance between One Health sectors and disciplines SPI-03
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming
  1. Introduction by the chair
    Dominique CHARRON, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Canada
  2. Innovative One Health Knowledge Management Solutions: Connecting Research Scientists and One Health Professionals Across Africa
    Jon EPSTEIN, EcoHealth Alliance, United States
  3. Translating evidence into policy implementation for tackling antimicrobial resistance across the One Health spectrum in low- and middle-income countries
    Kristina OSBJER, International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions (ICARS), Denmark
  4. A wellbeing Economy-based approach for implementing One Health
    Lisa BODEN, University of Edinburgh, UK

SPI-04: Zoonoses and wildlife: a One Health implementation

Science Policy Interface - Zoonoses and wildlife: a One Health implementation SPI-04
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming
  1. Introduction by the chair
    Chadia WANNOUS, World Organisation for Animal Health, France
  2. Understanding wildlife farming and zoonotic disease management in Viet Nam
    Hongying LI, EcoHealth Alliance, United States
  3. Current governance of health risks in wildlife trade
    Chadia WANNOUS, World Organisation for Animal Health, France
  4. A Decade of Advancing One Health through the One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization Process: Common Themes, Best Practices, and Advancements, 2014-2024
    Grace GORYOKA, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States

SPI-05: Climate Adaptation, and the perspective of indigenous people

Science Policy Interface - Climate Adaptation, and the perspective of indigenous people SPI-05
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming
  1. Introduction by the chair
    Lise KORSTEN, University of Pretoria, South Africa
  2. Preserving Heritage, Securing Futures: One Health Solutions for Climate-Driven Food and Health Insecurity Among Indigenous Tribes
    To be confirmed
  3. Pre-Columbus One Health and EcoHealth : how ancient civilizations, indigenous populations, and integrated health can be the learning steps for sustainability, health and equity in the modern Americas.
    Christina PETTAN-BREWER, School of Medicine, University of Washington, United States
  4. A One Health approach to understanding the role of the New Zealand’s aquatic environments and wild foods as sentinels, vectors and drivers of antibiotic resistance.
    Sophie VAN HAMELSVELD, Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) Ltd., New Zealand

SPI-06: Civil society and community engagement

Science Policy Interface - Civil society and community engagement SPI-06
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming
  1. Introduction by the chair
    Tivani MASHAMBA-THOMPSON, University of Pretoria, South Africa
  2. Building the One Health workforce in underserved areas through training and networking of Community Animal Health Workers
    Alexia RONDEAU, Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International, Belgium
  3. Demonstrating Impact and Lessons Learnt through a large One Health Research for Development Project
    Lian THOMAS, International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya
  4. Developing Community Engagement Educational Materials for Zoonotic Risk Mitigation: Insights from Three One Health Books
    Siyeun KIM, EcoHealth Alliance, United States

SPI-07: One Health Financing

Science Policy Interface - One Health Financing SPI-07
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming
  1. Introduction by the chair
    Jonathan RUSHTON, University of Liverpool, UK
  2. The World Bank and the One Health approach: Financing and enabling the adoption of collaborative multisectoral programs for Health Security
    Andre CARLETTO, World Bank, United States
  3. STAR-IDAZ IRC & GloPID-R: Global Coordination of One Health Research Funding
  4. Panel discussion
    Jonathan RUSHTON, University of Liverpool, UK

SPI-08: Biosecurity and Biosafety

Science Policy Interface - Biosecurity and Biosafety SPI-08
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming
  1. Introduction by the chair
    Daniel BAUSCH, FIND, Switzerland
  2. Supporting an International Mechanism for the Investigation of Alleged Biological Weapons Use
    Maximilian BRACKMANN, Spiez Laboratory, Switzerland
  3. Biological invasions have cross-cutting impacts on environmental, plant, animal, and human health—evidence from Brazil and South Africa support calls for a One Biosecurity approach
    John WILSON, South African National Biodiversity Institute, South Africa
  4. The FAO-WHO-WOAH Global Early Warning System (GLEWS+): A One Health Intelligence Approach to Strengthening Global Health Security at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface.
    Fernanda DÓREA, FAO, Sweden

SPI-09: Towards 2030: One Health strategies to achieving Neglected Tropical Diseases goals in sub-Saharan Africa

Science Policy Interface - Feed and food security and safety SPI-02
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming
  1. Introduction by the chair
    Grant STENTIFORD, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), UK
  2. Science-to-policy solutions to address food safety in Africa’s informal sector
    Silvia ALONSO, International Livestock Research Institute, Ethiopia
  3. From AMR to global food security: Why honeybee health is a critical one health topic
    Nigel SWIFT, Dalan Animal Health, United States

SPI-10: Animal vaccination for better One Health outcomes

SPI-11: Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: Innovating One Health Policy and Governance for Global and Local Action

Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: Innovating One Health Policy and Governance for Global and Local Action SPI-11
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming

Session info


  • Chadia Wannous, One Health Global Coordinator, World Organization for Animal Health, France
  • Sabdul Yasobant, Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar (IIPHG), India
  • Yewande Alimi, One Health Unit Lead, Africa CDC, Ethiopia  
  • Christoph Strupat, Senior Researcher, German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Germany
  1. Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: Innovating One Health Policy and Governance for Global and Local Action
    Christoph STRUPAT, German Institute of Development and Sustainability, Germany

SPI-12: One Health and the Law: Existing Frameworks, Intersections and Future Pathways

Science Policy Interface - One Health and the Law: Existing Frameworks, Intersections and Future Pathways SPI-12
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming

Session info


  • Bridget Lewis, School of Law, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
  • Kashish Aneja, O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Georgetown University, United States
  • Carmen Bullon, Food and Agriculture Organization, Italy
  • Catherine Machalaba, EcoHealth Alliance, United States
  1. One Health and the Law: Existing Frameworks, Intersections and Future Pathways
    Katie WOOLASTON, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

SPI-13: Unlocking One Health's Potential: A Session on Expanding Research and Practice

Science Policy Interface - Unlocking One Health's Potential: A Session on Expanding Research and Practice SPI-13
Ballroom West
Ended Now live Upcoming

Session info

Welcome and introduction of speakers

  • Barbara Haesler,  FAO, United Kingdom
  • Nadja Muenstermann, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Kenya

Panel Discussion

  • Delia Grace Randolph, International Livestock Research Institute, United Kingdom

  • Elisabeth Dibongue, National One Health Platform, Cameroon

  • Christina Pettan-Brewer, School of Medicine, University of Washington, USA

  • Abel Ramoelo, University of Pretoria, South Africa

  • Jakob Zinsstag, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland

Take home message and wrap-up 


  1. Unlocking One Health's Potential: A Session on Expanding Research and Practice
    Barbara HAESLER, FAO, UK
    Nadja MÜNSTERMANN, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Kenya

SPI-14: One Health in action at regional and country levels

Science Policy Interface - One Health in action at regional and country levels SPI-14
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming

Session info


  • Nicola Wardrop, UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
  • Carlos Das Neves, Europe Cross-Agency Task Force, Italy
  • Misheck Mulumba, Africa OH Network, Zambia
  • Alicia Cloete, South Africa - OH Platform Country Representative, South Africa

  1. One Health in action at regional and country levels
    Chadia WANNOUS, World Organisation for Animal Health, France

SPI-15: Implementing the UNGA Political Declaration in LMICs

Stewardship Across the Antimicrobial Life-Cycle: Implementing the UNGA Political Declaration in LMICs: A Panel Discussion SPI-15
Ballroom West
Ended Now live Upcoming

Session info

Setting the Scene: Fragmented Approaches to Stewardship 

  • Sabiha Essack, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Panel Interventions

  • Heiman Wertheim, Radboud University Medical Centre, The Netherlands
  • Arshnee Moodley, International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya
  • Lise Korsten, University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • Carlos Bezuidenhout, North West University, South Africa 


Implementation Considerations 

  • Sabiha Essack, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
  1. Stewardship Across the Antimicrobial Life-Cycle: Implementing the UNGA Political Declaration in LMICs: A Panel Discussion
    Sabiha ESSACK, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

SPI-16: The burden of zoonoses: exploring and measuring the impact of diseases from a One Health perspective

The burden of zoonoses: exploring and measuring the impact of disease from a One Health perspective SPI-16
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming

Session info


  • Carlotta di Bari, Sciensano, Belgium: Understanding DALY: Quantifying Disease Burden in Human Health
  • Jonathan Rushton, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom: Differences in burden estimations on human and animal health
  • Sara Babo Martins, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom: Translating burden estimations into policy

Audience perspectives and panel discussion

  • Andrew Clements, USAID, USA 
  • Delia Randolph Grace, ILRI, Kenya
  • Chinenye Emelife, Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), Ethiopia 
  1. The burden of zoonoses: exploring and measuring the impact of disease from a One Health perspective
    Sara BABO MARTINS, University of Liverpool, UK

SPI-17: IDRC's Collaborative One Health Research Initiative on Epidemics (COHRIE)

IDRC's Collaborative One Health Research Initiative on Epidemics (COHRIE): How countries in Africa and Latin America are responding to infectious diseases using coordinated One Health approaches SPI-17
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming

Session info


  • Gladys Nakanjako Kiggundu, Uganda Virus Research Institute, Uganda
  • Mireya Bravo, Instituto del Bien Común, Peru
  • Rashid Ansumana, Njala University, Sierra Leone
  • Justin Masumu, Institut National de la Recherche Biomédicale, Democratic Republic of Congo
  1. IDRC's Collaborative One Health Research Initiative on Epidemics (COHRIE): How countries in Africa and Latin America are responding to infectious diseases using coordinated One Health approaches
    Oji Samuel OTI, International Development Research Centre, Kenya

SPI-18: Co-creating solutions to implement biosecurity policy frameworks to achieve One Health outcomes

Co-creating solutions to implement biosecurity policy frameworks to achieve One Health outcomes SPI-18
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming

Session info


  • Damian Tago-Pacheco, FAO, Italy

Co-creating solutions to implement biosecurity policy frameworks in Uganda

  • Gerald Nizeyimana, Livestock Specialist, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Uganda

Panel discussion

  • Gerald Nizeyimana, Livestock Specialist, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Uganda
  • Wanda Markotter, Co-Chair of the One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) and Director of the Centre for Viral Zoonoses, University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • Kristina Osbjer, Senior Science Advisor in Veterinary Sciences, International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions (ICARS), Denmark
  • Kuboja Mjuberi, District Livestock Field Officer, Sumbawanga, Tanzania


  1. Co-creating solutions to implement biosecurity policy frameworks to achieve One Health outcomes
    Damian TAGO PACHECO, FAO, Italy

SPI-19: Seeking optimal impact, harmonization dialogue and collaboration between diffrent One Health Networks

Seeking optimal impact, harmonization, dialogue and collaboration between the different One Health Networks operating in Africa SPI-19
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming

Session info


  • Bassirou Bonfoh, Afrique One, Ivory Coast
  • Irene Naigaga, Afrohun, Uganda
  • Delia Grace Randolph, COHESA, Kenya
  • Desalegne Degefaw, GOHI, United States
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet, OH Initiative, Kenya
  • Arshnee Moodley, OHRECA, Kenya
  • Nitish Debnath, PREZODE, Bangladesh
  1. Seeking optimal impact, harmonization, dialogue and collaboration between the different One Health Networks operating in Africa
    Brian PERRY, Universities of Edinburgh and Oxford, UK

SPI-20: From Explainers to Solutions Journalism: How can the media shape impactful public conversation on One Health?

From Explainers to Solutions Journalism: How can the media shape impactful public conversations on One Health? SPI-20
Ballroom West
Ended Now live Upcoming

Session info


  • Jakob Zinsstag, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Switzerland
  • Salome Bukachi, University of Nairobi, Nairobi,
  • Hongying Li, EcoHealth Alliance, United States
  • Emmanuel Dabo, African Science Communication Agency (ACSA), Ivory Coast 
  • Kemisola Agbaoye, Nigeria Health Watch, Nigeria
  • Chacha Gardy, The Standard, Kenya
  1. From Explainers to Solutions Journalism: How can the media shape impactful public conversations on One Health?
    Ida JOOSTE, Internews, South Africa

SPI-21: One Health education and the workforce - striving for seamless integration of early career scientists in practice

One Health education and the workforce - striving for seamless integration of early career scientists in practice SPI-21
Meeting room 1.61 - 1.64
Ended Now live Upcoming
  1. Introduction by the chairs
    Clare TAYLOR, Co-founder global One Health Community, Belgium
  2. One Health education is booming, but will graduates of One Health training programs find jobs? A qualitative study
    Cécile AENISHAENSLIN, Université de Montréal, Canada
  3. Assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and practices about food safety and zoonoses among rural female farmers in Punjab, Pakistan
    Abdul REHMAN, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore, Pakistan
  4. A One Health University Network for North America
    Tracey GOLDSTEIN, Colorado State University, United States
  5. Towards an all-hazards workforce: the role of field epidemiology training in strengthening environmental public health systems and implementation of the One Health approach
    Joseph PETT, UK Health Security Agency, Thailand
  6. The Una Europa Alliance: Strengthening One Health through Universities
    Bruno GONZALEZ-ZORN, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
  7. One Health Lessons
    Deborah THOMSON, One Health Lessons, United States

SPI-23: From local communities to inter-governmental agreements

Science Policy Interface - From local communities to inter-governmental agreements: Strengthening regional health security through a cross-border exercise and policy engagement process in the Horn of Africa SPI-23
Ballroom West
Ended Now live Upcoming

Session info


  • Lukeki Kaindama, UK Health Security Agency, United Kingdom
  • Abdinasir Yusuf Osman, Ministry of Health, Somalia 

  • Lillian Wayua Wambua, WOAH, Kenya 

  • Afifah Ismat Rahman-Shepherd, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, Singapore

  1. Exercise COHESION – From local communities to inter-governmental agreements: Strengthening regional health security through a cross-border exercise and policy engagement process in the Horn of Africa
    Olaa MOHAMED-AHMED, UK Health Security Agency, UK
    Osman DAR, UK Health Security Agency, UK

SPI-24: Which workforce for One Health operationalisation?

Science Policy Interface - Which workforce for One Health operationalisation? SPI-24
Auditorium 1
Ended Now live Upcoming

Session info


  • Barbara Alessandrini, WOAH
  • Lida Anestidou, WOAH
  • Barbara Haesler, FAO
  • Bart Janssen, WHO Academy
  • Gabrielle Laing, WOAH
  • Fairouz Larfaoui, FAO
  • Marion Muehlen, WHO
  • Ong-orn (Aim) Prasarnphanich, WHO
  • Chadia Wannous, WOAH, chair of the Quadripartite Secretariat