Scientific Program
The abstract driven sessions include: One Health Science (animal, plant and human health, zoonoses, pandemic preparedness and prevention), One Health Food, One Health Climate and Environment, One Health Socio-Economics, Equity and Capacity Building, One Health AMR.
- Risk factors driving zoonotic and spillover infections
- Emerging infections: discovery platforms and diagnostics
- Emerging infections: ecology, epidemiology and pathogenesis
- Innovative technologies for pathogen surveillance and detection
- Integrated surveillance of infectious diseases in humans and animals
- New approaches to environmental surveillance
- Linkages between One Health and Plant health
- Determinants of inter-species and intra-species transmissibility of infectious agents
- Vaccines for emerging and zoonotic diseases
- Therapeutics for emerging and zoonotic diseases
- Preventive interventions for pandemic preparedness
- Pandemic preparedness: detection and response
- One health aspects of biosecurity and biosafety
- Neglected tropical diseases and vector- borne diseases
- One Health in non-communicable diseases
- Food and feed security, nutrition, and One Health
- Food-borne diseases and animal health controls
- Climate change and One Health
- Economics of One Health
- Education and development of the One Health workforce
- Equitable distribution of One Health vaccines and treatment including to LMIC’s and underrepresented communities
- One Health aspects of bacterial zoonoses and AMR
- AMR: the One Health drivers
- Big data and digital solutions and genomics for One Health
- Surveillance for AMR in humans, animals, and the environment
- New antimicrobials and vaccination as tools in AMR reduction
- Gender, human behavior and social science in One Health
- Human behavior and social sciences in One Health
- Marginalized communities in One Health
- Alternative approaches to tackling AMR
- Science-based One Health governance
- One Health approaches and wildlife management
Science Policy Interface Program
You are also welcome to submit a concept note for the Science Policy Interface track. This track translates science into policy.
- Governance and leadership, Legal frameworks, Financing One Health
- Biosecurity and biosafety
- Feed and food production and safety (incl One Health aspects of livestock and aquaculture)
- Climate change: drivers and One Health concerns (including adaptation)
- Civil Society and Community engagement /risk perception, education, and communication
- Equity in One Health implementations, gender and social groups
- Biodiversity and loss
- Equity between sectors and disciplines
- Other topics for Science Policy Interface sessions