Damian is the Biosecurity and Policy Coordinator at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. He obtained his PhD in Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics (2015), and spent a year as visiting scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health. That was his first experience interacting with experts from different disciplines and learning about the need for a One Health approach to build resilient health systems. During his PhD he analyzed how animal disease control policies can induce behavioral changes in some stakeholders which in turn impact the effectiveness of such policies. Before joining FAO, he worked evaluating the impact of animal health interventions at the French Agricultural Research and International Cooperation Organization (CIRAD) in the Caribbean. He led the work in socio-economics at FAO’s Emergency Center for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) in Asia from 2016 to 2022, and supported the opening of the ECTAD programme in Latin America in 2023.