PhD (Wits, 1985), FRSSAf, MASSAf, Fellow of UCT; Ad hominem promotion to Professor (UCT) 2004; awarded a Chair in Vaccinology 2008 (South African Research Chairs Initiative); Director of UCT Vaccine Research Group GLP Facility; Head of WHO HPV Labnet lab for the Africa Region; Joint Head of UCT/NICD/NHLS Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory; Member of the South African HPV Advisory Board. She is a virologist on the joint staff of the Division of Medical Virology, Dept of Pathology, University of Cape Town and the National Health Laboratory Service. She is internationally recognized for both HIV vaccine and Human Papillomavirus expertise. She has headed the South Africa AIDS Vaccine Initiative funded vaccine development team since 2000. This team of people has been responsible for the development of two vaccines tested in Phase 1 clinical trials in the USA and South Africa. She has published more than 100 papers in peer reviewed journals and is actively engaged in training of post-graduate students. Fourteen PhDs and 15 Masters students graduated to date and in 2011 currently supervising 5 PhD and 4 MSc students.